Ally Actions during a time of crisis

How we can all best support and advocate for marginalized communities during this pandemic 

By Anisha Asundi, Research Fellow: Gender Specialist, Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School and co-chair, HarvardWIT+

It's clear that COVID-19 disproportionately affects the most vulnerable and marginalized: including elderly individuals, immunocompromised individuals, communities of color, immigrant and undocumented communities, incarcerated communities, and low-income communities. We are listing a few resources that focus on how to communicate and advocate for these communities using an equitable & inclusive perspective. 

Ensure your messaging about COVID-19 is centered around inclusion, empowerment and justice

Many organizations and departments are releasing messages about how their work has been impacted by COVID-19. The Opportunity Agenda has a template to use a VPSA (Value, Problem, Solution, Action) format when talking about the coronavirus and its response in order to center your messaging from an inclusive perspective.

Explore the best ways to support those most marginalized by COVID-19

This includes ensuring there are protections in your local communities for elderly communities, continuing the fight for affordable, quality healthcare & sick leave, and supporting small local businesses. The NAACP created a list of key considerations of equity implications due to COVID-19.  

Support mutual aid groups in your community

The mutual aid concept is that people from a community volunteer to offer up resources like food, transportation, and other essentials to each other, according to what they have and others need. We listed a couple mutual aid and community care resources from the Cambridge and greater Boston area below:


See also: Ally Actions