WIT+ Conversation on Allyship


Thursday, March 30, 2023, 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Online Event


Allyship: Active support for the rights of a minority or marginalized group without being a member of it.

WIT+ is hosting a conversation on the topic of allyship. The goal of the allyship event is to start the conversation about what it means to be an ally to women in technology at Harvard. After laying the groundwork for what it means to be an ally, a group of people who consider themselves to be allies will talk through their experiences and share their thoughts. Additionally, we invite all those who are affected by allyship to join and share their voice on the topic. This conversation is not an attempt to resolve systemic issues in technology, but for allies and those affected by allyship to have an open and honest conversation about what it means to be an ally, and how privilege, position, and resources could be utilized to challenge inequity.

Register for this event: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrdeirrzIvGtFzs0TO9iHtz7G6SpnHyWTa

See also: WIT+